Land Rover Horse Of The Year 2024, Sunday, March 10, 2024
Dawn Lau (left) recipient of the Ray Burmester Equestrian Jewellery Trophy for the 2024 LRHOY Volunteer of the Year with LRHOY Event Manager, Sophie Blake. Sunday, March 10, 2024 Copyright Photo: KAMPIC / Kerry Marshall

Events like the Land Rover Horse of the Year Show simply wouldn’t happen without those who work quietly away behind the scenes. One of those is Dawn Lau who is the recipient of the Ray Burmester Equestrian Jewellery Trophy for the HOY Volunteer of the Year.

For 20-plus years Dawn has been beavering away in the background. In the early 2000s, she helped in the office and used to organise the showing  sorting the timetable across all the disciplines, but she then moved into organising the ribbon and rugs, and ensuring every discipline’s prizes were lined up and ready each morning.

Horses have long been a part of her life and even included training trotters. Her involvement with the show started through her son Aiden who rode firstly in the lead rein and going through to successfully competing in the six bar. These days Dawn is happiest spending time with her four great grandchildren, who range in age from four through to 12, but they all know when HOY is approaching.

Her grandson Ben Guild says they are all extremely proud of their grandma. “She puts in 100% and while she comes away every year very tired, she always goes back the next year to help,” says Ben.

Congratulations Dawn . . . . we all appreciate the many hours you have selflessly given to the show.

The trophy was first awarded in 2020.